Wednesday, June 1, 2011

And Some more...

I don't know if anyone ever even reads this stuff, but if you do:

Here is another blurb from a story I've been working on. Notice how much I borrow from other things that I have written:

“One day, I was lying in my father’s haystack blowing bubbles with my gum and thinking about how terribly bored I was. My father, a hard working man, yelled at me. “Quit lying around and dig some dirt!” he said and I lashed out against him. “You dig and dig and nothing comes of it!” I yelled at my father. “Why you could just as easily sit around and blow bubbles in haystacks and the sun would rise just the same!” Well then my father did something that shook me to the core. You see, he was a tough man who barely wore expression. You can imagine my shock when the man began to cry. He was sobbing and sobbing and tears were running down his face. It terrified me. Probably more than if he had thrown the shovel at me. And then he said something that I had never heard him say to anyone. He said, “you’re right.” After that, I knew that I couldn’t stay. We both knew the lie we were living and if I were to stay, we would both be in on it. I packed my bags and headed out the door the next morning."

“The next two years were a mixture of deception, cunning and cheat. I could lie and manipulate myself into any situation. It was my one talent. The foundation of my magic act. In the towns I wandered into, I could be sure to meet a girl deceived by appearance. I would lure her into the box, assure her of my honesty, and when she least expected, WALA! I would pull the magic curtain and her legs would be sawed in two. Not literally of course. A hundred dollars here, a train ticket there. Luxuries that I was able to conjure out of nothing. You must see how a magician was beginning to form? The power consumed and fascinated me all the same. Even now I’m not sure that I understand it.”

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